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Joining Guldengoose and setting up your profile and account.

Welcome to Guldengoose!  Here is how to Join and Setup in a Nutshell. 

1.  Click "Join" button on Home Page

2. This brings up a text box

   A.  Name:  Important this will appear on the Homepage, choose upper and lower case characters as desired.

   B.  Password:  Please enter password twice to verify and keep in a safe place. 

   C.  Email:  Email you want to use for your account.

   D.  Press submit button.

3.  This will bring up another text box screen.

   A.  Full Name:  Please enter your name or the name of your company or organization.

   B.  Gender:  Please enter a value.  Can be Male, Female, Corporation, Company, etc.

   C.  Description:  Details about you or your company/organization.  Contact Info, Skills, Offerings, Language skills, About, etc.  You can edit later.

    D.  Avatar:  Add picture you want use for your Avatar/Account on the front page.  You can edit/change this later if needed.

    E.  Press Submit button.

Your are now able to sign in and out of your account, however you still need to finish setting up your profile.  Please do so as soon as possible.

The Admin needs to activate your account for you to show up on the front page and interact with others.  This takes a day or less as we check

everyday for new members.  You can choose your level of privacy in you account profile as public(everyone) or members(only members of the site).


Finish you Profile:  These are all required fields the remainder are optional.  Navigate to ACCOUNT>MY PROFILE>EDIT.

4.  A.  Date of Birth:  All members must be 18+ years old at this point.  You can enter any value you wish to satisfy the entry field like 01/01/99 or earlier.

     B.  Country:  Your country

     C.  City:  Your city, also will accept alternate text values however this will affect your availability for searches.

     D.  Zip/Post Code:  Your postal code, will accept alternate values of a single character or more, however this will affect your search availability.

     E.  All remaining fields are optional and can be updated at any time by going to your Account, then My Profile, then Edit.

Please contact us at regarding any further concerns, questions or assistance.

We will have a help wiki posted and available for the remaining Features of

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